Teaching Ideas
Cooperation and Visual Performance Matching programs
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A Cooperation and Reinforcer Effectiveness
B Visual Performance
The ability to interpret things visually, such as pictures, sequences and puzzles.
Inset puzzles and Shape sorters
They are very easy to find and you can start with basic ones and move on to more advanced ones.
Match identical and non-identical objects

Home made Visual Performance kit
For this kit, I bought the items from a bargain shop and took the photos of each item at home. The total kit cost much less than the ABA specific kits currently advertised from on-line shops. With home made kits you buy only what you need which is also an advantage.
Programs I was able to make from this kit:
B3- Matching identical and non-identical objects
- Matching identical and non-identical pictures
B4/B5- Matching identical and non-identical object to picture
B6- Matching identical and non-identical picture to object
- Find the same.
There is enough material for generalisation here and it was
fun to make too! 9 programs in one!!

Match identical (and non-identical) object to picture and picture to object

Match identical (and non-identical) picture to picture

Matching fluently
The ability to match all samples of the picture and object programs proficiently. Once the learner masters each program with an array of 3 on the table, you can put all on the table or floor at the same time and gave all objects/cards for the child to match together. Criteria is matching quickly and correctly.
Sorting non-identical items

Block design on picture cards

Set 1
This set of models will allow you to teach your child to build on top of the samples, then at a short distance from the model.

Puzzles with multi-connecting pieces in an inset type frame, Puzzles with a square edged border frame and Jigsaw puzzles
(start from basic ones and build it up)
Matching by colour, shape and size
Not official ABLLs targets but important nevertheless. Always produce several sets of each for generalisation.

same shape, same size,
different colours
same colour, same size,
different shapes
same colour, same shape,
different sizes
Matching multiple dimensions (different sizes, colours and shapes)
Block design from picture cards
The design is built away from the picture and not on top of it. The colours of the design need to match exactly (please note slight mistake with the sample picture). Generalise into functional play e.g. Lego duplo designs :)

Copying a sequence
Start with simple sequences e.g. cat, dog, cat, dog then move on to more complex ones e.g. cat cat dog (AAB) Vary positions of the items e.g. cat, dog, dog (ABB), dog, cat, cat, bear (ABBC), cat, cat, dog, bear (AABC) or cat, dog, bear, bear (ABCC)
Generalise by using objects, pictures and sheets. Program to follow: B22

Matching pictures that go together
E.g. milk, cereal and bowl - cake and candles - gloves, scarf and hat - bed, duvet and pillow
Following on from this program:
G14 (tact) and H7 (intraverbal)
Printable sheets
Save the images from the Microsoft Word document into Microsoft paint and print them in A4 size. The print area needs to be adjusted to the size of the picture in Microsoft Paint. The sizes will not work if printed from the Word document.
You can also download the pictures more easily from the ABA Teaching Ideas facebook page (click on the facebook icon below).
The blocks to match the printable sheets can be found in the link below:

Sorting by function
E.g. Things you ride, things you cut with, things you wash with
Following on from this program:
C37 (receptive), G15 (tact), H8, H9 and H11 (intraverbal)

Sorting by feature
E.g. Things that have ladders, things that have wheels and things that have eyes. Present clear features and make sure that each feature is distinctive.
e.g. Bike has a handle and wheels so these features can't be done at the same trial.
Following on from this program:
C38 (receptive), G12 and G16 (tact), H16 and H17 (intraverbals)

Sorting by class
E.g. colours, shapes and instruments
Following on from this program:
C39 (receptive), G17 (tact), H14 and H18 (intraverbal)

Extending sequences
Use the materials from B13. You will extend the sequence e.g. abcd _ _ _ _ rather than repeat the sequence undernneath.
Generalise by using objecs, pictures and sequence sheets.
Printable sheets
Save the images from the Microsoft Word document into Microsoft paint and print them in A4 size. The print area needs to be adjusted to the size of the picture in Microsoft Paint. The sizes will not work if printed from the Word document.
You can also download the pictures more easily from the ABA Teaching Ideas facebook page (click on the facebook icon below).
The blocks to match the printable sheets can be found in the link below:

Replicating 3D structures
This program can be done with lego duplo and usual wooden blocks. The designs on the attached document are just a card prompt for the therapist to build a 3D design for the learner to copy.
Additional resource:

Printable in A4 size
Size (4 sheets)
Quantity (2 sheets)
Shade (2 sheets)
Sequence (1 sheet)
and order (eg. 1,2,3,4 or a,b,c,d,e- 1 sheet)
We used the criteria 'least to most' for these. I found this program very hard to make initially so I hope this will help you develop your own ideas. Make sure you generalise each one by doing more than one example and if possible using actual pictures (e.g. photos of actual blocks for sequence and items for quantity) so your child can master the criteria well. This is a good set that you can print off straight away and use for probing. You can edit this in Microsoft Paint and make your own. :)Skills tracking sheets available below:http://www.trackingsheets.net/trackingsheets/abllsr%20b.pdf
Picture sequences
These are usually a sequence of actions. E.g. someone pouring a drink and then drinking it, daily routine, food gradually disappearing from the plate (e.g. piece of cake being eaten). I have taken photos of my own son during daily routine e.g. bed time, meal times, teeth brushing.

These worksheets provide a good start to teaching the concept of mazes. For actual age appropriate mazes, I just googled them and used mazes from kids magazines and reading books.
Using visual aids to facilitate the understanding of concepts
When teaching function and other ABLLs programs it is important to teach with the concept in mind and that your kids don't just do it rote from memory.
One example is B17- Sorting by function (things you sit on). My son was matching this item by colour instead when given it as part of a 'things you sit on' set.
We created visual support to aid him with concept and we also targeted it in the natural environment. Teaching with objects/toys and modelling first is helpful too.

Additional resources

Designs and printable sheets
Save the images from the Microsoft Word document into Microsoft paint and print them in A4 size. The print area needs to be adjusted to the size of the picture in Microsoft Paint. The sizes will not work if printed from the Word document.
You can also download the pictures more easily from the ABA Teaching Ideas facebook page (click on the facebook icon below).
The blocks to match the printable sheets can be found in the link below:
(link also available on the printable word document- Set 1)
Additional resource, also suitable for B12:
Set 2
Contribution from Apple Maple (parent)
This set is suitable for building from looking at a model.