Teaching Ideas
In the early stages of drawing, we are teaching my son to draw from a model. This little A5 folder with simple drawings has helped with giving my son ideas when he's asked to draw something of his preference, especially when we sit to do an activity together as a family at the weekends. He enjoys going through his drawing book.
I have generalised each drawing too but we tend to teach the simpler lines.

Fine and Gross Motor
Visit the main menu for more templates
Please note:
- Not all activities on this page fit in with the ABLLs
- There are links to other websites on this page
Gluten free play-doh
Good website for ready-made gluten free modelling dough.
I have bought this, tried and it is great but slightly harder than normal play-doh and it doesn't work as nicely with play-doh equipment. However it's great for modelling and creative play and there's plenty of it to share with school. It will last you a while if kept well wrapped.
Colour by numbers
Colour by numbers encourages children to use different colour pens, once they learn the concept. Available from Amazon, eBay and pretty much most stationery departments.

Rummaging box
A brilliant idea from school. Teach your child to look for sequences of numbers, find letters for words and find objects.

Links to on-line resources
Colour sorter
Teaching idea from Tracey Phillips (parent), from Devon.
"Excellent for teaching colours, counting and for fine motor skills. The only thing I thought after is would have been good to put the rolls and words on velcro so they can be moved around so not always in the same place. There is meant to be a small spade and a pair of tongs in the box with the pom poms but didn't put them in."

Drawing, cutting & colouring ideas
Scrunching tissue paper:
- Gluing on picture or shape (on sun, flower, tree, shapes, etc)
- throwing into a bowl or bucket after (for a game)
Ripping and gluing tissue paper:
- making a sun
- making hair on a doll or fringe on a face
- making curtains of a picture etc
Cutting around shapes or into small pieces
- gluing to form pictures – eg house, flower, star etc
Drawing ideas:
- Face, sun, house, tree, flower, rocket, body, car, cup, bed, mat, shapes, plane, etc
- Draw the child's hands/feet
- Draw numbers, shapes or letters in foam
Colouring/painting ideas
- Trace child's hands or feet and colour them on paper
- Paint child's hands and make designs.
- Colour half cut potatoes and make designs
- Trace your child's whole body on paper and tag body parts (we used wall paper for this) brilliant idea from school. Teach your child to
look for sequences of numbers, find letters for words and find objects.
Rummaging box
A brilliant idea from school. Teach your child to look for sequences of numbers, find letters for words and find objects.
Fine motor, colour, imitation, pre-writing: Painting is great fun!
Autism base: https://www.facebook.com/autismbase, Milton Keynes

Fine motor, colour matching and sequencing activity
Autism base: https://www.facebook.com/autismbase, Milton Keynes

Activity ideas using the easel and chalks
Materials: easel, chalks of different colours
Draw patterns on the easel and get the child to overwrite using a different colour.
Draw letters and do as above
Make drawings using the Sd: draw a… write the names underneath: write ‘sun ‘
Draw lines up then down
Draw zig zags, wavy lines, dashed lines for child to overwrite or underwrite
Draw shapes and get the child to complete them. E.g. doors and windows on a house, Wheels on the car, facial expressions
Colouring by items, shapes and pictures that begin with different sounds
Most English books age 3-5 target colouring using different skills. Attached are sheets that will aid you to teach your child to colour in different ways:
- by item. e.g. colour all the pens red
- by category. e.g. colour all the shapes yellow
- by sound pictures begin with. E.g. colour the pictures that begin with sound 'a'
Thank you to one of our tutors for drawing some of them!