Teaching Ideas
Tact and Intraverbals
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Use objects and move on to pictures. Ideas for teaching adjectives:
Colours- bargain shops are good places to get object sets of similar objects of different colours.
Skittles, cars, spoons, tooth brushes, felt tip pens, balls.
Gold and silver similar objects can be found in the party and craft sections (eg cups, plates and boxes). Make sure that the objects are part of your child's known vocabulary.
Tea sets are great for colours too. The Early Learning Centre does a great one.
Different colour balloons are great for fun play :).
Big and small- with bottles and toothpaste I did my own label so they looked the same. I bought some small items from the travel section and paired with a similar looking from a normal size.
Black e white footballs easy to find in big and small too and miniatures of brand toys like Peppa pig characters and Disney.
Plastic animals are easy to find big and small too- dinosaurs and horses.
Table spoon vs tea spoon, Plastic party cups and shot glasses, also similar plates and bowls in different sizes are found in party sections too.
Soft and hard- we spent time using different objs and targeted in the NET too. Eg floor and bed. A soft bath book and a hard one. A foam yellow ball and a harder one. They do little soft cars in baby areas and hard ones too.
Play doh is great as you can mold a block of any colour or a ball of a similar size of a hard object you already have. You can have a block shaped play doh and a wooden block or a soft yellow playdoh ball and a hard one. Exactly the same size. Tip from one of our tutors.
Dark and light-
Using a torch under a blanket tent, under the duvet, hiding in the wardrobe, switching the lights on and off.
Hot and cold-
Potatoes of similar size- heat one in the microwave for about 10 secs.
We used hot and freezing cold water in a plastic bottle which was safe to touch. Watch for the pressure of the hot water in the bottle.
Tap- run the hot and cold tap before probing so they are at the right temperature.
With hot and cold, always check the temperature of hot items first.
Microwaveable toys what can also go in the freezer (thanks to a tutor for the tip).
Wet and dry-
Similar pieces of cloth, kitchen towel, dolls hair, sponge, gloves.
Rough and smooth-
Sand paper
Collage with rough texture like pencil shavings vs smooth colouring
Rough and soft materials (from craft shop)
Feelings books are good for this too.
Fast and slow-
Running, banging a drum, clapping, dancing, rolling a car on the table, stirring in a bowl.
Take your time teaching each one, generalise as much as you can and put the ones you can in pictures.
Big and Small
Adjectives: big and small program- after objects was mastered, I created a representation in pictures for maintenance in mixed trials. I velcroed them at the back to keep them together.

Verbs in vivo (videos)
Youtube links for access to over 150 videos displaying verbs which have been generalised whenever possible.
Actions in pictures
Teaching actions in pictures
Make sure you generalise each verb with as many alternatives as you can so your child learns a concept and not just to label a picture.
The examples on the photos are: Buttoning, Closing and Chasing

Environmental sounds- Receptive and Tact
You can obtain the GALT sound tracks or the Tune into by Yellow door. Available from on-line shops such as Amazon.
Remember that the pictures are just a prompt to teach and that the child must tact the sound if appropriate (without a picture present).
Teaching prepositions- Receptive and tact
Prepositions with objects
Ideas for IN/OUT

Feature, Function and Class- Intraverbal programs
This is a sample of how systematically you can go through the ABLLs by preparing the different programs in advance so you know what's coming next. We have started intraverbal FFCs after tact and I have prepared Feature and Function in a similar way, following ABLLs criteria.
All the intraverbal index cards have got a picture prompt at the back. This helps if we need to remind him when he struggles to answer a question (without stimuli present) and save us from trying to find a prompt card last minute too. We make sure we fade the picture and that he becomes independent answering them which is extremely important. SDs need to be varied for generalisation.

Tact and Intraverbal index cards
If you want a quicker way to do tact and intraverbals for feature, funcion and class try laminating the prompt picture behind the index card. No time wasting and you only use them if you need to.

Teaching Features- Receptive and Tact
We started teaching this from actual objects and separate parts of items in pictures. Once we moved on to all features on an item in pictures one of our tutors pointed out that the pictures were too small and that this was affecting our child's response. With the small size pictures it was harder for us and him to point to the correct features in some pictures.
We increased the size of pictures to A4 and used pictures with good resolution. This has helped massively!
We have a display book with the mastered ones in and we have added index cards prompting us to revise them in maintenance. This has worked very well.
We use smaller pictures for mixed trials for maintenance of a couple of programs e.g. Give me something with wheels or buttons. Or What has a tail? They're great mixed in with other pictures as our son needs to scan well to find the correct one.
But larger pictures work better for actual pointing and labelling all parts of an item. E.g. Point to the eyes, nose, mouth etc. Or what part is this?
I'm so grateful for tutor feedback too.

Verbs in vivo (What am I doing?)
Index card template and verb ideas. You will find a thorough list of verbs in the Youtube links document below (G7- Labels ongoing actions.youtube videos.docx)
Complete class intraverbal program index cards (H14, H18 and H27)
Labels body parts
Document donated by Carine Spira (London)
Download receptive body parts index cards from the Receptive and Imitation section
Labels rooms of the house
Teach what's familiar to the child and prioritise rooms which are familiar to them. Why teach basement if your house does not have one?
What will you call the therapy room? We call ours play room.

Labels people (man, lady, boy, girl, baby)
The child also needs to learn the names of family members and familiar people

Complete function intraverbal program index cards (H8, H11 and Intraverbals from G24)

Adjectives- receptive and labels colours
Start with objects and move on to flash cards for generalisation and maintenance. Watch for colours that are difficult to identify. Colour pens, crayons, balloons, cups, toothbrushes are usually very cost efffective and great to practice colours.
Labels items of clothing

Labels occasions
Teach at the correct time of the year and generalise to the natural environment as much as possible.

Labels emotions
Words that begin with- Intraverbal
to be done after tact of pictures and words that begin with is mastered
Personal information questions
Labels own body parts