Teaching Ideas
Receptive and Imitation
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Home made imitation kit
This kit is very easy to produce. I obtained 12 sets of identical objects which I bought cheaply from a bargain shop, prepared index cards for the D ABLLs programs in a Microsoft Word template and laminated them in advance.
I used the Flash Pro3 software for the pictures of actions and chose functional ones e.g. waving, covering eyes, arms crossed etc. If your child is learning to mand with signs, those would be good to add to imitation too for maintenance.
I also made basic videos of my family members and friends doing actions from a single action to a sequence of actions. We asked them to do their actions slowly and generalised it to actual kids Action songs DVDs after. There was also an opportunity to practicing copying actions more naturally in school.
The only issue with this is time. If you don't have the time or can't recruit volunteers to help you laminate and cut then pace yourself. Do them as you need them.
The link for sample targets and all the programs can be found here
Programs covered in this kit (around 240 index cards):
1. D1
Motor imitation with objects (24 targets)
2. D2
Motor imitation using objects in a discrimitation (10 targets)
3. D5
Motor imitation of gross motor movements (GMI- 24 targets)
4. Imitation away from chair (10 targets)
5. Functional motor imitation (14 targets)
6. D4
Imitation of leg and foot movements (10 targets)
7. D7
Generalised imitation instructions (8 targets)
8. D8
Imitation of gross motor actions in a mirror (10 targets)
9. D9/D10/ D14
Imitations of oral motor actions and blowing (26 targets)
10. D12
Imitation of fine motor movements (FMI- 32 targets)
11. D13/D18
Imitation of touching objects in a sequence (6 targets)
12. Advanced imitations (15 targets)
13. Imitation of a sequence of actions (2 and 3 step chain-15 actions)
14. Crossing over movements (10 targets)
15. Two responses at once (10 targets)
16. Imitating actions in video (10 targets)
17. Imitating actions in pictures (10 targets)

Ready made receptive index cards